TwitterFox – a Twitter plugin for Firefox

Anyone who uses Twitter and Firefox, check out this plugin.  It puts a little Twitter Pop-up window within your browser.  It’s nice to not have to deal with a separate program or have to constantly refresh the page.

So far, it’s been pretty good.  You can see just replies made to you in a separate tab if you want, as you can with direct messages.  If you want to make the window go away, you just click the “t” in the status bar.  Pretty good stuff!

Here is a screenshot (click to enlarge):

Go grab it here.

I got rear ended by a BMW

On my way to work this morning, I was stopped at a light.  Someone was obviously not paying attention and slammed into the back of the lady behind me, who in turn slammed into me.  Luckily there is no visible damage to my car, but her BMW took a dent in the front.  The backside was pretty much totaled , as was the guy’s Ford who slammed into her.  But my ol’ Grand Am came through alright (despite my sore neck and back).

About an hour later, the policeman was done filling out all the paperwork and I was free to go.  Talk about an eciting trip into work this morning!

The Sport with One Rule: No Murder

In Ashbourne, a small town in England, there is a sport called Royal Shrovetide that is played annually. This sport, best described as “rugby on rabies”, has only one official rule: No murder. Here are the basics:

  • A river runs through the town. Those north of it are the “Up’Ards”, thouse south are the “Down’Ards”.
  • There is no limit to the number of players on each team (even in the 1000’s!)
  • Before the game starts, the crowd all sings Auld Lang Syne followed by God Save the Queen
  • There is a ball that looks the size of a basketball. The goal is for someone to get it from their town center to their goal (roughly 3 miles apart). Once at the goal, the player has to bang it on the wall 3 times for it to count as a goal
  • Once a goal is scored, a new ball is thrown into play.

This game sounds completely awesome, and also like something I would be too chicken to compete in. It’s still cool to think that an entire town comes together to play this once a year.

Read more about it HERE. (via Digg)

LOST: The 15 Best Moments of Season 4

This is a great compilation of the best moments of this season of LOST. I hate that you have to click through 15 pages to see them, but it is still a solid list. Here’s on of my favorites:

Episode 8: ”Meet Kevin Johnson”

The Castaway Traitor made his long-promised return to Lost this season, infiltrating the freighter crew at Ben’s behest in a desperate bid to earn redemption. Let’s be honest: This story line didn’t match the hype. But Michael’s backstory — returned to NYC; tried to start over as ”Kevin Johnson;” tried to kill himself — revealed that no one can die until the Island is done with them.

I am such a fan of Michael being back this season.  As much of a tool as he was in season 2, he has tried so hard to redeem himself.  I wonder what his fate will be tonight…

read more | digg story

A Ford with a Fridge

“you can keep six packs of b… soda in there” (name the movie for extra points)

The new Ford Flex has an option where you can have a small refrigerator between the front seats under the armrest. From the looks of it, you can put around 3cans of whatever in there and it will keep them cold:

In normal operation it can take drinks from room temperature, at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, down to 41 degrees in two- and-a-half hours. It also has a freezer option that can get keeps items a chilly 23 degrees F. And it is sealed well enough so that it takes almost three hours for the temperature to go up just 18 degrees F.

Anyone else think that this is an awesome idea? I wish that it was a little bigger, but other than that (and the $760), it rules!


Who are they trying to kid?

I just saw this ad on Facebook:

So, according to this company, dial-up internet is good for really everything you would ever need to do online. Let’s break this down:

  • Web Design
  • Gaming
  • Chatting
  • Anything computer related
  • Anything internet related

It’s safe to say that if you tried using dial-up internet for any of that, you would be sitting there for a LONG time. By the way, go check out their website. From the looks of it, dialup might have been the best there was when the site was created.

Thanks again, Facebook, for the ever-so-entertaining ads!


R.I.P – Sony Headphones 2005-2008

Several years ago, a friend turned me on to some of the best headphones I have ever used.  The Sony MDR-J10 headphones are the kind that has a “back part” that goes around the back of your ears.  This is important because it prevents them from falling out of your ears while jogging.  The sound quality is pretty good, and they are some of some of the sturdiest headphones I have used.

Well, I went to work out this morning, and the “left ear” was not working.  If I moved the wire around, it would cut in and out, but even that eventually stopped working.

Keep in mind, these headphones have gotten a LOT of use over the last 3 years.  A lot of sweat has run down the side of my head into the ear piece of them, and I am shocked they have lasted this long.  It really saddens me to have to lay them to rest.  O, the memories…

Anyway, if you want some good headphones for only $10, check out the Sony MDR-J10.

Podcasts – What I listen to

Let me just tell you how much I love podcasts. “Podcasts”, you say? Yes. A podcast is basically like a radio show, only it is distributed over the internet through mediums like iTunes. They are free, and every time a new episode comes out, it automatically downloads to your computer/iPod/mp3 player. There are podcasts for any subject you can think of. Tech, sports, finance, news, comedy… all are represented well!

So, here are the ones I listen to (with links, some straight to iTunes):

TWiT – A round table discussion of the week’s biggest tech stories and industry news

Macbreak Weekly – See above, just all things Macintosh

Net @ Night – Looking at new trends in internet-related things

Diggnation – Video podcast, covers the most “dugg” stories from

Phone Taps – A radio station in New York pranks phone calls people

Best of YouTube – Popular Youtube videos.

Totally Rad Show – Video reviews of movies, tv, and video games

Geek Brief – a daily 5-minute video podcast covering tech trends

Maccast – One guy talks about all things Macintosh

Sure, I know these are mostly geeky, but whatever. That’s me! So head over to iTunes and browse the Podcast category. They are all free, and you are sure to find something you’ll like!